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Fashion Designer

A Fashion Designer’s Inspiration

This is a hand-drawn black and white sketch of a woman, a fashion designer, staring at the computer screen with sketches of fashion in front of her.

I’ve tried to capture the moment of inspiration and the process of creation that the fashion designer was going through. The sketch is simple yet powerful, conveying the passion and dedication that goes into creating something new.

The digital painting is available for purchase on OpenSea Marketplace as NFT.

The sketch is done in black and white with little color, to emphasize the contrast between the designer’s focus and the chaos of ideas that surrounds her. The artist wanted to convey the idea that true inspiration comes from within and the designer’s ability to turn those ideas into something tangible.

The sketch is an intimate look into the creative process of a fashion designer, and it is a reminder that inspiration and passion can come from unexpected places.

Just follow the link : A Fashion Designer’s Inspiration – OpenSea NFT

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Published in Artquote-Reflections Digital Paintings Start


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